“What do the bells of Khatyn ring about?”


Historical memory is one of the important acquisitions of civilization. As long as people remember past experiences, human society has the opportunity to develop and improve. The memory of the war calls for responsibility for peace on Earth.
On March 22, 2022, a single lesson “What do the bells of Khatyn ring about?” Dedicated to the Khatyn tragedy, a symbol of all Belarusian villages burned during the Great Patriotic War, was held at the branch of the BNTU “Minsk State College of Architecture and Civil Engineering”.
A student of group 1191 of the specialty "Architecture" Konstantin Eremenko presented the author's model of the now non-existent village of Khatyn, which can be seen in the exposition hall of the memorial complex "Khatyn".
Each of us should know the history of our Motherland. The stories and memories of the victims of the war should not sink into oblivion. They will forever remain in your heart, in your memory. The event ended with a moment of silence.
A moment of silence is our mournful tribute to Khatyn.

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